News: Amber Heard hired private investigator to dig up dirt on Johnny Depp

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News: Amber Heard hired private investigator to dig up dirt on Johnny Depp

Post by Sysop »

Reports have emerged that Amber Heard hired private investigators during her widely publicized legal battle with Johnny Depp.

In an alleged effort to dig up dirt on the Pirates of the Caribbean star, Amber Heard's legal team is reported to have hired private investigator Paul Barresi last summer to find people who had been verbally/physically abused by Johnny Depp.

Barresi attested: "I went to the US, France, Italy, Britain, everywhere that Johnny Depp roamed, everywhere he walked, I couldn't find one instance, or at least an admitted one, where he was physically abusive to a woman, smacked or beaten around, he's like an angel. Not one who said a deprecating thing"

"I interviewed dozens of people, who knew him going as far back as three decades ago, and nobody had one bad thing to say about him. In fact, they couldn't say enough about his ever flowing outpouring of generosity and tender heart."

Source: Daily Mail
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